Normal Hours
Schervish Dining Hall
We are proud to offer a dining program complete with signature brands and menu selections that include just about every item you can imagine. Just feast your eyes on what we have available! Featuring a wide variety of fresh food designed to satisfy everyone's appetite with food choices to rival your favorite restaurants.
Please Note: If you plan to dine with us between our regular lunch and dinner hours, the main line is CLOSED. Our pizza, deli and salad stations are open and available to you. Please download and check the Sodexo BITE Universities App in your Smart Store on your phone to view menus for the dining hall in real time. Please use code N8PK7 for our location.

Normal Hours
Schervish Dining Hall
We are proud to offer a dining program complete with signature brands and menu selections that include just about every item you can imagine. Just feast your eyes on what we have available! Featuring a wide variety of fresh food designed to satisfy everyone's appetite with food choices to rival your favorite restaurants.
Please Note: If you plan to dine with us between our regular lunch and dinner hours, the main line is CLOSED. Our pizza, deli and salad stations are open and available to you. Please download and check the Sodexo BITE Universities App in your Smart Store on your phone to view menus for the dining hall in real time. Please use code N8PK7 for our location.

Click allergen icons to exclude menu items containing the allergen.

Diet key:
Click diet icons to include menu items meeting diet criteria.